New to the forum? Check our User Guide

How to sign up on DAO Forum?

Welcome DAO Forum! To be an active member of the community, create and view topics, you need to have an account. Let’s set it up by following these simple steps:

Step 1. Go to the forum website

Step 2. Click the Sign Up button in the top right corner

Step 3. Fill the form

After you are done with filling in all the fields, click Sign Up.

Step 4. Confirm you Email

Go to your Email service and find the automated letter from our team. The confirmation letter should look like this:

Click the link or copy and paste it to your browser, and it will take you to the final step.

Step 5. Activate your account by clicking the button.

All done! Now you can participate in the forum discussions!

How to start posting on DAO Forum?

You are free to create new topics on the forum. This process is really quick and easy.

On the home page, click the + New Topic button located in the top right corner under your avatar.

This will bring up a posting form, where you can come up with a title of your topic, write the post and specify the section of the forum it is related to.

Once you’re happy with your post, click the blue + Create Topic button and you’re done!

How to Use Forum Tags

Tags help organize discussions and make it easier for users to find relevant content. When creating a new topic, please select the most appropriate tag(s) to categorize your post. Here’s a breakdown of the available tags and when to use them:

  • blockchain: For discussions about blockchain technology, its applications, or its role in Units Network.
  • applications: For posts related to dApps, tools, or platforms built on or integrated with Units Network.
  • api-integrations: For discussions about APIs, how to integrate them, or troubleshooting API-related issues.
  • bridge: For topics related to cross-chain bridges, interoperability, or asset transfers.
  • bug-reports: For reporting bugs, glitches, or technical issues within the Units Network ecosystem.
  • code-review: For requesting or providing feedback on code snippets, smart contracts, or development work.
  • collaborations: For proposing or discussing partnerships, joint projects, or community collaborations.
  • community-engagement: For initiatives, events, or discussions aimed at fostering community interaction and growth.
  • dao-structure: For discussions about the governance model, voting mechanisms, or organizational structure of Units DAO.
  • development-tools: For sharing or discussing tools, libraries, or resources that aid in development on Units Network.
  • events: For announcements or discussions about upcoming events, meetups, or conferences.
  • evm: For topics specifically related to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and its integration with Units Network.
  • feedback: For sharing constructive feedback about the platform, forum, or community experience.
  • fun: For lighthearted, off-topic, or community-building posts (while still adhering to forum rules).
  • governance-proposals: For proposing or discussing changes to the Units Network ecosystem or DAO governance.
  • grants: For discussions about funding opportunities, grant programs, or project sponsorships.
  • guide: For tutorials, how-tos, or educational content related to Units Network.
  • hackathon: For announcements, updates, or discussions about hackathons hosted by or related to Units Network.
  • ideas: For sharing innovative ideas, suggestions, or concepts for the ecosystem.
  • improvement-ideas: For proposing specific improvements to the platform, tools, or community processes.
  • infrastructure: For discussions about the technical infrastructure supporting Units Network.
  • integration: For topics related to integrating Units Network with other platforms, tools, or services.
  • korean-community: For posts specifically targeting or relevant to the Korean-speaking community.
  • new-projects: For announcing or discussing new projects, initiatives, or startups within the ecosystem.
  • node: For discussions about running, maintaining, or troubleshooting nodes on Units Network.
  • partnerships: For announcements or discussions about partnerships, collaborations, or alliances.
  • policy: For discussions about rules, regulations, or policies affecting Units Network or its community.
  • proposal: For formal proposals related to governance, funding, or ecosystem changes.
  • regional-teams: For discussions or updates from regional community teams.
  • request: For requesting help, resources, or support from the community.
  • rewards: For discussions about reward programs, incentives, or token distributions.
  • sdk-tools: For topics related to software development kits (SDKs) or developer tools.
  • security: For discussions about security best practices, audits, or vulnerabilities.
  • smart-contracts: For topics related to the development, deployment, or analysis of smart contracts.
  • token: For discussions about the Units Network token, its utility, or tokenomics.
  • turkish-community: For posts specifically targeting or relevant to the Turkish-speaking community.
  • validators: For discussions about validator roles, responsibilities, or operations.
  • voting: For topics related to voting processes, proposals, or governance decisions.

Tips for Using Tags

  1. Be Specific: Choose the tag that best matches the main topic of your post.
  2. Use Multiple Tags Sparingly: If your post covers multiple topics, you can use up to 2-3 relevant tags. Avoid over-tagging.
  3. Check Existing Tags: Before creating a new topic, browse existing posts to see if a similar discussion already exists.
  4. Stay Relevant: Ensure the tags you use accurately reflect the content of your post.

By using tags correctly, you’ll help keep the forum organized and make it easier for others to find and engage with your posts. Happy tagging! :label: