Forum Integration Demo

Proposal Details

A new forum topic should be automatically created whenever a proposal is initiated. This ensures proper visibility, discussion, and transparency within the community.


Transaction ID: HSGFKCvTKiSEkPLAzw9fDv1APcbee5E7uJZNLojcstQ
Transaction Payload:

    "type": 12,
    "fee": 10000000,
    "feeAssetId": null,
    "timestamp": 1791669415000,
    "version": 2,
    "chainId": 87,
    "senderPublicKey": "yJNp4dRB2LeGSGW9qi5AsninGZe22G7MhtVkHp9HP6P",
    "data": [
            "key": "demo",
            "type": "string",
            "value": "Forum Integration"

This topic was automatically created by the Units DAO proposal system.